Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Working with HDFS

Administration Lab 2: Working with HDFS
Directory Creation and Copying Files
  1. Open VM
  2. Open new terminal windows
  3. Make sure you are in your home directory
  4. Create new file using command vi test.txt
  5. Press ‘a’ for editing, enter some text and press ‘ESC’ ,’wq’ to save and exit
  6. Check that file was created by running ‘ls’ command
Create a Directory
*      Create new directory in HDFS
*      hadoop-0.20 dfs –mkdir /test
*      Check that directory exist
*      hadoop-0.20 dfs –ls /
*      Save file in HDFS
*      hadoop-0.20 dfs –put ./test.txt  /test/test.txt
*      View file in HDFS
*      hadoop-0.20 dfs –cat /test/test.txt
Examine File and Space
*      Examine available space
*      hadoop-0.20 dfs -df /test/test.txt
*      Make another copy of the file
*      hadoop-0.20 dfs –cp /test/test.txt /test/test2.txt
*      Increase replication factor
*      hadoop-0.20 dfs –setrep –R 9 /test/test.txt
View HDFS Files via Web Interface

Browse HDFS via Web Interface

Parallel Copying
*      Lets try to copy a file with distcp application: hadoop-0.20 distcp /test/test.txt /test/test2.txt
*      This will launch map-reduce job for copying and create new file
*      This procedure will be slower then a regular copy, but you will see significant improvement when copying large directories

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